Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] Job - Psalms - Proverbs - Ecclesiastes - Song of Solomon

Survey of the Old Testament
[Poetic Books]
Job - Psalms - Proverbs - Ecclesiastes - Song of Solomon
[ See all lesson outlines in the PDF below ]
Composed and distributed by Rob Perry for TMFSBG

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Questions & Answers

Here are the questions and scripture links for these lessons

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Job |||Lesson 01 – Job Part 1


1.Do you remember a time when you were suffering, and no one seemed to show compassion or care? 


2. What does it mean that Job was blameless and upright? (Job 1:1)

3. What is a hedge of protection? (Job 1:8-10)

4. Does Satan need permission to test Job? Why? (Job 1:8-12)

5. What does it mean that the Lord gives, and the Lord takes away? (Job 1:21)

6. Why did Job’s wife tell him to curse God and die? (Job 2:9)

7. Why did Job refer to his friends as miserable comforters? (Job 2:11, 16:2)

8. Who were Job’s friends? (Job 2:11-13) How long was Job suffering according to these verses? 

9. Did Job curse God for his suffering? (Job 3) 

10. What was Eliphaz the Temanite’s message to Job? (Job 4,5, 15, 22) (Job 5:8)

11. What was Job’s response to his friend, Eliphaz? (Job 6:29) 

12. What was Bildad the Shuhite’s message to Job? (Job 8, 18, 25) (Job 8:2)

13. What was Job’s response to his friend, Bildad? (Job 10:2)

14. What is the importance of the land of Uz? (Job 1)


15. Was it unfair for God to allow Job to suffer over what was an argument between God and Satan? 

16. Why did God allow Job to suffer?


17. This week, encourage someone that is suffering and share the encouragement of the Lord.

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Job ||| Lesson 02 – Part 2


When were you wronged for something when you thought you were right?


What was Zophar the Naamathite’s message to Job? (Job 11,20) (Job 11:13-14)

What was Job’s response to his friend, Zophar? (Job 13:8)

How could Job say, “Though He slay me, I will trust in Him?” (Job 13:15)

What does it mean to make a covenant with your eyes? (Job 31:1)

What was Elihu’s message to Job? (Job 32-37) (Job 33:33)

What was Job’s response to Elihu? Did Job respond?

What was God’s message to Job? (Job 38-41) (Job 40:2)

What was Job’s reply to God? (Job 42:3-6)

What did Job’s friends have wrong and what did they have right? (Job 42:7-9)

What happened after Job prayed for his friends? (Job 42:10-17)

Did Job sin in anything he said? (Job 42:1-6)


12. How would you describe the “patience of Job?” (James 5:10-11

13. Why do the wicked prosper? Or do they?


14. How can you exercise more patience this week?

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Psalms ||| Lesson 01 – Part 1


1. When was a time that you found comfort, strength or direction in the Book of Psalms?


2. What is the counsel of the ungodly, and how do we not walk in it? (Psalms 1:1)

3. How do we delight in the law of the Lord? (Psalm 1:2)

4. What does it mean to be like a tree planted by the water? (Psalm 1:3)

5. To whom does Psalm 2:7 refer with the words, “You are my son, today I have begotten you”?

6. What does it mean to kiss the son? (Psalm 2:12)

7. What does it mean to “be angry and do not sin”? (Psalm 4:4)

8. What does it mean that “I will lie down and sleep in peace”? (Psalm 4:8)

9. Why does the psalmist ask, “What is man that you are mindful of him”? (Psalm 8:4)

10. What does it mean that Jesus was made a little lower than the angels? (Psalm 8:5)

11. Psalm 7, 35, 55 are imprecatory prayers. What does that mean?

12. What does it mean that “there is none that does good, no not one”? (Psalm 14:3)

13. What does “I shall not be moved” mean? (Psalm 16:8)

14. What does it mean that “at your right hand are pleasures forevermore”? (Psalm 16:11)

15. Name a couple of imprecatory psalms.

16. Name a couple of psalms of lament.


17. The word selah is found in the Book of Psalms, 71 times. What is its meaning? Go to the previous section, “Introduction”.

18. What is a maskil in the Book of Psalms? Go to the previous section, “Introduction”.


19. Review the Psalms we discussed today and select a verse or two to memorize.

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Psalms ||| Lesson 02 – Part 2


1. Was there ever a time when you were without food, water, rest, safety or direction? What did you do?


2. What does it mean that “the Lord is my rock”? (Psalm 18:2)

3. How does David describe that God is his portion? (Psalm 16:5)

4. How do the heavens declare the glory of God? (Psalm 19:1) Does this explain the existence of God?

5. Explain, “Why have you forsaken me”. (Psalm 22:1) Relate this to: Matthew 27:46.

6. How does God inhabit the praise of His people? (Psalm 22:3)

7. Explain what David said: “Be not far from me”. (Psalm 22:11) What was David experiencing?

8. Psalm 22 is a messianic psalm. Explain verse 20. 

9. What does it mean that the Lord is my Shepherd? (Psalm 23)

10. Explain, “I shall not want”. (Psalm 23:1)

11. What does “he makes me lie down in green pastures” mean? (Psalm 23:2)

12. Explain, “He leads me in the paths of righteousness”. (Psalm 23:3)

13. What does it mean to walk through the valley of the shadow of death? (Psalm 23:4) How can we boldly say, “I will fear no evil”?

14. Explain, “my cup runneth over; you prepare a table for me; you anoint my head with oil”. (Psalm 23:5)

15. How could David say, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever”? (Psalm 23:6)

16. Name a couple of psalms of praise.

17. Name a couple of penitential psalms.


18. Which Psalms prophesy the death and resurrection of the Messiah? See the introduction to the Book of Psalms in this study.

19. What are the rod and staff in Psalm 23?


20. Memorize Psalm 23.

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books]

Psalms ||| Lesson 03 – Part 3


1. Have you ever been abandoned by someone you trust? If so, would you trust them again?


2. What does it mean to “lift up your head”? (Psalm 24:7)

3. Explain, “joy comes in the morning”. (Psalm 30:4,5)

4. Read Psalm 24. Is God the King of Glory? Why? (Psalm 24:7-10)

5. What does it mean that “the Lord is my light and my salvation”? (Psalm 27:1)

6. Why did David say, “One thing I have asked of the Lord”? (Psalm 27:4)

7. What does it mean to “wait on the Lord”? (Psalm 27:14)

8. How can we “be of good courage”? (Psalm 27:14) 

9. What does the phrase, “the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him”? (Psalm 33:18)

10. Explain what it means “to taste and see that the Lord is good”. (Psalm 34:8)

11. What does it mean “that the Lord is near to the brokenhearted”? (Psalm 34:18)

12. What does it mean to delight yourself in the Lord? (Psalm 37:4) How will God give you the desires of your heart?

13. What does it mean to commit your way to the Lord? (Psalm 37:5) How can you “rest in the Lord”? (Psalm 37:7)

14. How are the steps of a man ordered by the Lord? (Psalm 37:23) What does it mean that, “I have never seen the righteous forsaken”? (Psalm 37:25)

15. Who were the sons of Korah? 

16. What is imprecatory prayer?


17. How is the Lord the strength of your life?


18. When you face trials and tribulations, read Psalm 37 again and again and store it in your heart.

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Psalms ||| Lesson 04 – Part 4


1. Why are some things harder to forgive than others? 


2. How does God, “make me to know the measure of my days”? (Psalm 39:4)

3. Explain what the psalmist said, “Be still and know that I am God”. (Psalm 46:10)

4. Psalm 40:2 is a picture of our salvation in Christ. What does it mean to “set your feet upon a rock” and “brought me out of a miry clay”? 

5. Explain, “from everlasting to everlasting”. (Psalm 41:13)

6. What does it mean that deep calls to deep? (Psalm 42:7)

7. What does it mean that God is our refuge and strength? (Psalm 46:1) Who wrote this Psalm?

8. Does Psalm 49:7-9, speak of Jesus? 

9. Psalm 51:5, David said, “In sin did my mother conceive me”. Are we conceived in sin? 

10. How can you be whiter than snow? (Psalm 51:7)

11. Why was David asking God to create in him a clean heart? What was David expecting? (Psalm 51:10)

12. What did David mean when he asked God to “restore to me the joy of your salvation”? (Psalm 51:12)

13. Is it true that God will not despise a broken spirit and contrite heart? (Psalm 51:17)

14. Cite a few examples of acrostic poems in the Bible.

15. What does “selah” mean?


16. How do you get your heart right with God after sin in your life? 

17. What does true sorrow look like in your life?


18. Read Psalm 51 again and remind yourself of God’s forgiveness.

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Psalms ||| Lesson 05 – Part 5


1. What motivates you to openly clap, sing and dance? At what times is clapping, singing, and dancing frowned upon?


2. What does it mean to make a joyful noise unto the Lord? (Psalm 66:1, 95:1-2)

3. While David was in custody of his enemies, he wrote, “You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle”. Does God collect our tears in a bottle? (Psalm 56:8)

4. What does it mean to ask God to “lead me to the rock that is higher than I”? (Psalm 61:2)

5. Why did David seek God early in the morning? Is this the best time? (Psalm 63:1)

6. Is God, father to the fatherless? (Psalm 68:5) What does that mean?

7. Can names be blotted out of the book of life? If so, how? (Psalm 69:28)

8. What hope is there even though “my flesh and heart may fail”? (Psalm 73:26)

9. Psalm 82:6 is cited by Jesus in John 10:34. What does it mean that “you are gods”?

10. How is a day in God’s courts better than a thousand elsewhere? (Psalm 84:10)

11. How is it that “righteousness and peace kiss each other”? (Psalm 85:10)

12. Explain, “unite my heart to fear Your name”. (Psalm 86:11)

13. What can we learn from the prayer of Moses? (Psalm 90) How is God our dwelling place? 

14. Why should we want God to teach us to number our days? (Psalm 90:12)

15. What does it mean for God to establish the work of our hands (Psalm 90:17)

16. Who is Asaph mentioned in the Psalms?

17. Who are Heman the Ezrahite and Ethan the Ezrahite mentioned in the Psalms?


18. Our time on earth is limited. How can we use this time wisely according to Psalm 90?

19. According to Psalm 66, when are we to praise and worship God?


20. Reflect upon Psalm 90 this week and share the Holy Spirit’s message with someone this week.

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Psalms ||| Lesson 06 – Part 6


1. When you think about the good ways in the past, which ways do you still practice today?


2. What does it mean to dwell in the “shadow of the almighty”? (Psalm 91:1)

3. How do we “take refuge under His wings”? (Psalm 91:4) (Matthew 23:37)

4. What does it mean that He will give His angels charge over you? (Psalm 91:11) (Matthew 4:6)

5. According to Psalm 14:1 and Psalm 53:1, are atheists fools? 

6. Does Psalm 95:6 mean we should always bow down when we worship God? 

7. Psalm 95 is a call to worship. What is the meaning of Psalm 95:8?

8. What does it mean to “sing to the Lord a new song”? (Psalm 96:1)

9. How can we “enter into His gates with thanksgiving”? (Psalm 100:4)

10. What does it mean to “bless the Lord, O my soul”? (Psalm 103:1)

11. How can we “forget not His benefits”? (Psalm 103:2)

12. What does it mean that youth is renewed like the eagle’s? (Psalm 103:5)

13. How far has God removed our sins? (Psalm 103:12)

14. How can we “make know His deeds” to others? (Psalm 105)

15. Psalm 100 says that God is good. What does that mean?


16. What type of psalm is Psalm 105? Wisdom, history, royalty, messianic, or praise?

17. Do you think that a purpose of music is to glorify God? If so, in what way? 


18. Read again one of the psalms we read today and sing it back to the Lord and share next week.

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Psalms ||| Lesson 07 – Part 7


1. Are there areas of your life that you have more control over than others? Have they always been in control? 


2. What does it mean to have a steadfast heart? (Psalm 108:1) (James 1:2-4)

3. What does it mean that God will make our enemies a footstool? (Psalm 110:1)

4. What is the order of Melchizedek? (Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 7:17)

5. How is God full of compassion? (Psalm 112:4)

6. What does it mean that “the Lord said to my Lord”? (Psalm 110:1) (Matthew 22:44)

7. Why should glory not be unto us? (Psalm 115:1)

8. During Passover, why were the Hallel Psalms used? 

9. Have you ever experienced the pangs of Sheol? (Psalm 116:3)

10. What does it mean that all men are liars? (Psalm 116:11)

11. What is the cup of salvation? (Psalm 116:13)

12. What does it mean that “precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints”? (Psalm 116:15)

13. What is the sacrifice of thanksgiving in Psalm 116:17?

14. What does it mean that “this is the day that the Lord has made”? (Psalm 118:24)

15. What does it mean that “blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord”? (Psalm 118:26)


16. According to scripture, what does the word “blessed” mean? Who is blessed?


17. Learn one of the Hallel Psalms and teach another of its importance to your life.

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Psalms ||| Lesson 08 – Part 8


1. What was the last book you read that greatly influenced you? In what way?


2. How can a young man cleanse his way? (Psalm 119:9)

3. How can I have God’s Word hidden in my heart? (Psalm 119:11)

4. What does it mean that God’s Word is settled in heaven? (Psalm 119:89)

5. How is God’s Word a lamp to my feet? (Psalm 119:105)

6. What are the Songs of Ascent? 

7. Explain what the psalmist means, “I lift my eyes to the hills”. (Psalm 121:1)

8. “Where does my help come from?” According to Psalm 121:1-2. What if the Lord had not been on our side?

9. What does it mean that “unless the Lord builds the house” the builders labor in vain? (Psalm 127:1)

10. How are children a blessing from the Lord? (Psalm 127:3)

11. What does it mean that children are a heritage from the Lord? (Psalm 127:3)

12. Should everyone have a quiver full of children? (Psalm 127:5)

13. Why is it good and pleasant for God’s people to be united? (Psalm 133:1)

14. What does it mean that “His mercy endures forever”? (Psalm 136)


15. How can we walk in God’s way? (Psalm 128:1)

16. In what way are Christians united or divided?


17. Are there areas of your life that cause division in your family? What will you do to correct such a division?

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Psalms ||| Lesson 09 – Part 9


1. What impact has reading the Psalms had upon your life?


2. What does Psalm 137:9 mean?

3. What does it mean that God holds His Word above His name? (Psalm 138:2)

4. What are the depths of the earth? (Psalm 139:15)

5. What is the significance that God knows our anxious thoughts? (Psalm 139:23)

6. What is the land of the living, and how is God our portion in it? (Psalm 142:5)

7. What is Psalm 151? Is it in your Bible?

8. What are a few of your favorite psalms?

9. Group Question: Identify each Psalm by genre.

A Table of Psalms by Theme

God the Creator.

8, 19, 33, 65, 111, 104, 145, 147.

God the Redeemer.

15, 33, 102, 103, 111, 113, 114, 126, 130, 138.

God the Judge.

1, 7, 11, 46, 50, 62, 75, 76, 82, 90, 96, 97, 98.

God’s Glory.

18, 29, 99, 36, 46, 148, 150.

God’s Sovereignty.

24, 46, 47, 72, 89, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99, 112, 146, 145.

God’s Wisdom.

33, 104, 111, 113, 139, 145, 147.

God’s Law.

19, 50, 62, 111, 119, 147. 23, 33, 34, 37, 89, 121, 124, 139, 145, 146, 147.

God’s Mercy.

23, 32, 57, 61, 62, 63, 73, 77, 85, 86, 100, 103, 118, 130, 145.

The Incarnation.

2, 8, 85, 89, 102, 110, 111, 113, 132.

The Passion.

22, 40, 42, 54, 69, 88, 116, 130.

The Church.

46, 48, 84, 111, 122, 133, 147.


5, 26, 43, 63, 65, 66, 67, 84, 96, 100, 102, 116, 122, 138.


30, 65, 67, 92, 98, 100, 111, 103, 107, 116, 134, 138, 145, 147, 148, 150.


4, 5, 17, 20, 28, 31, 54, 61, 84, 86, 102, 141, 142.

Trust in God.

27, 31, 57, 62, 63, 71, 73, 77, 91, 118, 121, 123, 124, 125, 143, 146.

God our Refuge.

4, 17, 20, 37, 46, 49, 54, 61, 71, 91, 103, 121, 146.

Divine Guidance.

25, 43, 80, 85, 111, 112.

In Time of Trouble.

3, 11, 12, 13, 18, 20, 30, 40, 46, 49, 57, 62, 63, 80, 85, 86, 90, 107, 118, 144, 146.


1, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 26, 34, 40, 92, 111, 112.


29, 46, 76, 85, 98, 100, 124, 125, 126.

The Transitoriness of Life.

39, 49, 90, 102.

The Hope of Immortality.

16, 30, 42, 49, 66, 73, 103, 116, 121, 139, 146.


3, 5, 20, 63, 90, 143.


4, 13, 16, 17, 31, 77, 91, 121, 134.

Penitential Psalms.

6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143.

Preparation for Holy Communion.

23, 25, 26, 36, 41, 43, 63, 84, 85, 86, 122, 130, 133, 139.

Thanksgiving after Holy Communion.

8, 15, 18, 19, 27, 29, 30, 34, 100, 103, 110, 118, 145, 150.

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Proverbs ||| Lesson 01 – Part 1 


1. Which do you value more? Wisdom or knowledge? And why?


2. How is the fear of the Lord the beginning of wisdom? (Proverbs 1:7, 9:10)

3. What is the difference between wisdom and knowledge? 

4. What is a fool according to the Book of Proverbs?

5. Why do fools despise wisdom? (Proverbs 1:7)

6. Why is wisdom referred to as a “she” in Proverbs? (Proverbs 1:20-23, 8:1-9:12)

7. Why are both wisdom and foolishness pictured as women in Proverbs? (Proverbs 9:1-18)

8. What does Proverbs say about a contentious and quarrelsome woman? (Proverbs 19:13, 25:15, 21:9, 21:19, 25:24)

9. What does it mean to write mercy and truth on the tablet of your heart? (Proverbs 3:3)

10. What does it mean to trust in the Lord with all your heart? (Proverbs 3:5)

11. What does it mean to lean not on your own understanding? (Proverbs 3:5-6) 

12. Explain, “in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight”. (Proverbs 3:6)

13. What does it mean to not be wise in your own eyes? (Proverbs 3:7)

14. How do you honor the Lord with your wealth? (Proverbs 3:9)

15. What is the meaning of “length of days”? (Proverbs 3:16)


16. Why do you think Solomon did not follow his own advice on women?


17. What steps can you take to seek and apply wisdom in your life?

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Proverbs ||| Lesson 02 – Part 2


1. Do you prefer a simple or complex structure in life? Why? Do you associate a simple life with a quiet life? Please explain.


2. What does it mean to “drink water from your own cistern”? (Proverbs 5:15)

3. How do you understand Proverbs 5:18? 

4. What do Proverbs teach about sluggards? (Proverbs 6:6-9, 10:26, 13:4, 19:24)

5. Explain, “go to the ant, you sluggard”. (Proverbs 6:6)

6. Why does Proverbs 6:10 say, “a little sleep, a little slumber” will bring poverty?

7. What is a perverse mouth? (Proverbs 6:12)

8. What can be said about a person who sows discord? (Proverbs 6:14)

9. How can Proverbs 6:27 be understood?

10. What are seven things God hates? (Proverbs 6:16-19)

11. Explain what haughty eyes are. (Proverbs 6:17)

12. How can I obtain favor from the Lord? (Proverbs 8:35)

13. What are the seven pillars of wisdom in Proverbs 9?


14. What do wisdom and folly have in common?

15. How are wisdom and folly compared in chapter 9?


16. Make a list of wisdom characteristics and apply them to your life this week.

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Proverbs ||| Lesson 03 – Part 3


1. Do you live by proverbs that are not in the Bible? If so, please share one or two.


2. How is a winking eye trouble? (Proverbs 10:10)

3. How does love cover all wrongs? (Proverbs 10:12)

4. How does fearing God add length to a person’s life? Proverbs 10:27)

5. Just can’t make this stuff up! How is a beautiful woman without discretion like a gold ring in a pig’s snout? (Proverbs 11:22)

6. What does it mean that “he who wins souls is wise”? (Proverbs 11:30)

7. How is a virtuous woman a crown to her husband? (Proverbs 12:4)

8. How is a shameful wife, rottenness to her husband’s bones? (Proverbs 12:4)

9. What does it mean that a righteous person cares for the needs of animals? (Proverbs 12:10)

10. What does it mean that the tongue of the wise promotes health? (Proverbs 12:18)

11. Does anxiety cause depression? (Proverbs 12:25)

12. What does it mean that hope deferred makes the heart sick? (Proverbs 13:12)

13. What does it mean that “there is a way that seems right to a man”? (Proverbs 14:12)

14. How is envy; rottenness to the bones? (Proverbs 14:30)

15. How does oppressing the poor show contempt for their Maker? (Proverbs 14:31)

16. Make three comparisons between the wicked and the righteous.


17. Share at least four comparisons between the foolish and the wise.

18. What wisdom does Proverbs instruct about money?


19. After reading the comparisons between the foolish and the wise, pray about those traits that registered home.

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Proverbs ||| Lesson 04 – Part 4


1. What is your best defense against a person that wants to verbally argue?


2. How does a soft answer turn away wrath? (Proverbs 15:1)

3. Why are even the prayers of the wicked an abomination to the Lord? (Proverbs 15:8, 29)

4. Why are we to be slow to anger? (Proverbs 15:18)

5. Explain the value of a multitude of counselors? (Proverbs 15:22)

6. How can we commit our work to the Lord and have our plans established? (Proverbs 16:3)

7. What does it mean that a man’s heart plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps? (Proverbs 16:9)

8. What does it mean that pride goes before a fall? (Proverbs 16:18)

9. How are pleasant words like a honeycomb? (Proverbs 16:24)

10. What does it mean that a friend loves at all times? (Proverbs 17:17)

11. What does it mean that a merry heart does good? (Proverbs 17:22)

12. What does the Bible say about having a calm spirit? (Proverbs 17:27)

13. How is the name of the Lord a strong tower? (Proverbs 18:10)

14. Why does he who finds a wife obtain favor from the Lord? (Proverbs 18:22)

15. How can a friend stick closer than a brother? (Proverbs 18:24)


16. Compare humility and pride from the Book of Proverbs.

17. What can we learn of God’s character from the Book of Proverbs?


18. Review your heart and mind for any prideful ways and surrender them to God.

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Proverbs ||| Lesson 05 – Part 5


1. What does it mean to be successful in your home and in the community?


2. How and when should we overlook an offense? (Proverbs 19:11)

3. What does it mean that wine is a mocker? (Proverbs 20:1)

4. What does it mean that even a child is known by his deeds? (Proverbs 20:11)

5. Does the Bible tell us to not love sleep? Why? (Proverbs 20:13)

6. How is choosing a good name better than choosing riches? (Proverbs 22:1)

7. Does the Bible promise that godly parenting results in godly children? (Proverbs 22:6)

8. How are we to train a child? (Proverbs 22:6)

9. What does it mean that “as a man thinks in his heart, so he is”? (Proverbs 23:7)

10. Why does Proverbs 23:10 tell us not to remove ancient landmarks? 

11. What does it mean to buy the truth and not sell it? (Proverbs 23:23)

12. What does it mean that by wisdom a house is built? (Proverbs 24:3)

13. What does it mean that a righteous man falls seven times? (Proverbs 24:16)

14. Why should we not rejoice when our enemy falls? (Proverbs 24:17)

15. Why should we not fret because of evildoers? (Proverbs 24:19)

16. What does it mean that an honest answer is like a kiss on the lips? (Proverbs 24:26)


17. Name two qualities That Promote Success and a Good Reputation. Explain.

18. Name two Qualities That Prevent Success and Cause a Bad Reputation. Explain.


19. From the wisdom learned today, what change will you make this week to live wiser?

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Proverbs ||| Lesson 06 – Part 6


1. What do you value in a good leader? 


2. Is there any benefit of a word fitly spoken? (Proverbs 25:11)

3. What is the meaning of apples of gold in settings of silver in Proverbs 25:11?

4. How is one who sings songs to a heavy heart like vinegar on soda? (Proverbs 25:30)

5. How should we treat our enemies? (Proverbs 25:21-22)

6. What does the Bible say about people who are wise in their own eyes? (Proverbs 26:12)

7. What is the value of letting another man praise you? (Proverbs 27:2)

8.Why is an open rebuke better than secret love? (Proverbs 27:5)

9. Explain, “faithful are the wounds of a friend”. (Proverbs 27:6)

10.What does it mean “to know the condition of your flock”? (Proverbs 27:23)

11. What does it mean that the righteous are as bold as a lion? (Proverbs 28:1)

12. Explain what it means that iron sharpens iron. (Proverbs 27:17)


13. Name three qualities of a good leader. 

14. Name two things that happen without good leadership.


15. How will you be a better leader in your home and outside the home this week?

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] Proverbs

Proverbs ||| Lesson 07 – Part 7


1.What wisdom that you received from your parents do you especially treasure? What wisdom does each of your children need? 


2. Are life and death in the power of the tongue? (Proverbs 18:21)

3. What does it mean that without vision people perish? (Proverbs 29:18)

4. What does the Bible say about a child left to himself? (Proverbs 29:15)

5. What happens to a place where there is no revelation? (Proverbs 29:18)

6. How is the fear of man a snare? (Proverbs 29:25)

7. Who was Agur, son of Jakeh? (Proverbs 30)

8. Is Proverbs 30:4, “What is the name of His son”; referring to Jesus?

9. What does it mean that every word of God is pure? (Proverbs 30:5)

10. What is the meaning of “give me neither poverty nor riches”? (Proverbs 30:8)

11. What does it mean that the leech has two daughters? (Proverbs 30:15)

12. What do we know about King Lemuel? (Proverbs 31)

13. What should we learn about the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31? 

14. What does it mean to be more precious than rubies? (Proverbs 31:10)


15. What does it mean to have the fear of God?

16. What are some specific qualities about the virtuous woman portrayed in chapter 31 that you should imitate? How does her example teach you what it means to fear the Lord?


17. How will you better use God’s blessings in your life this week?

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Ecclesiastes ||| Lesson 01 - Part 1  


1. Have you ever faced a period in your life when all seemed “meaningless”—useless, irrational, pointless, foolish, and empty?


2. Who is the preacher in Ecclesiastes?

3. Who is the Qoheleth in Ecclesiastes?

4. What does “chasing the wind” mean? (Eccl. 1:14)

5. What does it mean that “everything is meaningless”? (Eccl. 1:2)

6. What does it mean that “there is nothing new under the sun”? (Eccl. 1:9)

7. What does it mean that there is a proper time for everything? (Eccl. 3:1-8)

8. What does it mean that there is a “time to be born and a time to die” and “a time to plant and a time to uproot”? (Eccl. 3:2)

9. What does it mean that there is a “time to kill and a time to heal” and “a time to break down and a time to build”? (Eccl. 3:3)

10. What does it mean that there is “a time to weep and a time to laugh” and “a time to mourn and a time to dance”? (Eccl. 3:4)

11. What does it mean that there is “a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them” and “a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing”? (Eccl. 3:5)

12. What does it mean that there is “a time to search and a time to give up” and “a time to keep and a time to throw away”? (Eccl. 3:6)

13. What does it mean that there is “a time to tear and a time to mend” and “a time to be silent and a time to speak”? (Eccl. 3:7)

14. What does it mean that there is “a time to love and a time to hate” and “a time for war and a time for peace”? (Eccl. 3:8)

15. What does it mean that “He has made everything beautiful in its time”? (Eccl. 3:11)

16. What does it mean that we “have eternity in our hearts”? (Eccl. 3:11)


17. Where are the best places to find wisdom?


18. Is there any area of your life that is empty and meaningless; submit those areas to God’s wisdom and His Word. 

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Ecclesiastes ||| Lesson 02 – Part 2


1. What accomplishments in life are important to you?


2. How are two better than one? (Eccl. 4:9)

3. How is a good name better than precious ointment? (Eccl. 7:1)

4. How is sorrow better than laughter? (Eccl. 7:3)

5. What does it mean to be over-righteous and over-wise? (Eccl. 7:6)

6. What does it mean that “whoever fears God will avoid all extremes”? (Eccl 7:18)

7. Why is a living dog better than a dead lion? (Eccl. 9:4)

8. What does it mean that the dead know nothing? (Eccl. 9:5)

9. What does it mean that “money is the answer for everything”? (Eccl. 10:19)

10. What is the meaning of “cast your bread upon the waters”? (Eccl. 11:1)

11. What does it mean to “remember your Creator in the days of your youth”? (Eccl. 12:1)

12. Why does the Preacher conclude, “All is vanity”? (Eccl. 12:8)

13. What does it mean to fear God and keep His commandments? (Eccl. 12:13)


14. What is the meaning of life?

15. What does the Bible say about how to find purpose in life?

16. How should a Christian view wealth?


17. Review your life this week and spend time glorifying the Lord.

Survey of the Old Testament [Poetic Books] 

Song of Solomon ||| Lesson 01 – Part 1


1. Where did you learn about love, marriage, and sex?


2. Is the Song of Solomon a canticle?

3. Is Song of Solomon an allegory of God's love for Israel and/or Christ's love for the Church?

4. What does it mean that the Shulammite had dark skin? (SOS 1:6)

5. Who are the daughters of Jerusalem? (SOS 2:7)

6. What is the meaning of foxes? (SOS 2:15)

7. What is the Rose of Sharon? (SOS 2:1)

8. What is the lily of the valley? (SOS 2:1)

9. Why is it said that we “shouldn’t awaken love until it pleases”? (SOS 2:7; 3:5; 8:4)

10. Why does Solomon refer to his wife as his sister? (SOS 4:9)

11. Why are mandrakes mentioned? (SOS 7:13)


13. After reading Song of Solomon, what types of love are being shown? Eros, agape, storge, and/or philia.


14. Read the entire book of Song of Solomon and better understand the meaning of “true love”.


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